TifEagle Certified 

TifEagle was developed by Dr. Wayne Hanna and initially licensed by Georgia Seed Development Commission. TifEagle has been carefully evaluated since 1988 at a number of university research stations and beginning in 1996 at over 25 golf course locations in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, California, South Carolina, Arizona, Tennessee and Mississippi. It has also been tested outside the United States in Argentina, Guam and South Africa. The following research data highlights and documents the important genetic and management characteristics we think will make TifEagle the standard for greens in the 21st Century.

All South Florida Grassing TifEagle is certified planted with Georgia Seed Commission foundation stock on methyl bromide fields.



  • South Florida Grassing is the only original grower of TifEagle Certified grass in Florida since 1997
  • SSCA Certified
  • All grass grown on land Methyl-Bromide treated prior to planting
  • Excellent experienced planting crews
  • Sod - Pallets - Rolls - Sprigs
  • Washed sprigs available
  • TifEagle is available from our farm all year round

TifEagle Certified is available all year round from our farm in Hobe Sound, FL


History & Benefits

Released by internationally recognized USDA/ARS plant geneticist Dr. Wayne Hanna, TifEagle is the third generation of bermudagrass varieties developed exclusively for golf greens at the Coastal Plains Experiment Station in Tifton GA. Just as Tifdwarf replaced Tifgreen 328 as the standard for putting greens over the last three decades, TifEagle promises to set an even higher standard for the 21st century. Based on careful evaluation at university research stations since 1988, and beginning in 1996 at golf course locations from Florida to the desert Southwest, TifEagle has proven to be a premier putting surface with a number of unique advantages for golf course superintendents. Rightly or wrongly, much of a superintendent's reputation rides on the quality of his or her greens. It takes an intense management program to deliver the putting speed and consistency even club players are beginning to demand. Traditional grasses, and even many of the new superdwarfs, just can't stand up to the physical stress produced by the lower mowing heights and frequent verticuttings which are used to control thatch build-up. TifEagle can, and we've got the research to back it up. TifEagle also recovers more quickly from mechanical injury, has better color, and is extremely cold-hardy, drought-tolerant and disease-resistant. Whether you're involved with the repair or restoration of existing greens or installing an entire new course, insist on the best. Insist on TifEagle.