Latitude 36 Bermuda Grass Certified
Latitude 36™ Bermudagrass was developed by renowned Oklahoma State University and is a top quality rated NTEP (National Turfgrass Evaluation Program) bermudagrass. It shows resistance to spring dead spot and is one of the most cold-hardy bermudagrasses on the market. Latitude 36 offers high traffic tolerance and exceptional visual appeal. It has excellent tensile strength and is finer textured than NorthBridge Bermuda. Latitude 36™ Bermudagrass is an ideal choice for southern and transitional zone applications including sports, golf and homes. Latitude 36 is a Sod Solutions release.
- Ideal for homes, commercial, golf, and sport applications
- Top rated for wear resistance
- Blade-width: Width 1.67 mm
- Feel: Soft
- Soils: Sandy, Clay
- Growth: Rhizomes/Stolons
- Exceptional visual quality
- Color: Dark Green
- Fall Color Retention: Very Good
- Spring Green Up: Very Good
- Disease resistant
- Rapid Recovery
- Very good Fall color retention
- Mowed with standard rotary reel; Height: 0.5-1.5″
Latitude 36 is a high quality, sterile triploid hybrid that rates highly in the NTEP trials.
Further Reading & Research
“Guideline Specifications To Turfgrass Sodding (Latitude 36)"