

Levy, Canals, Roadways, Developments, Polo Fields.

Rolled Sod, Athletic Fields, All Grass Varieties, Airports, Building Sites,
Quick Use Sod Projects, Golf Courses.

Bermuda Grasses - SSCA Certified Varieties.

Paspalum Grass - Supreme and Sea Isle I sod and sprigs.

Tifdwarf Bermuda - registered sod and sprigs.

- Golf Course Grassing - 

We are set up to supply and install anything from a tee to a complete 18 hole project. We have completed numerous courses in South Florida.

- Governmental Grassing - 

We are experienced in dealing with government specifications - employee requirements - and other rules to successfully complete any project.

- Polo Field Grassing -


- Athletic Fields Grassing -

We have successfully completed many polo fields and can sprig or sod to any specification.


Sodding, Sprigging using numerous varieties of grass. We are currently suppliers to Dade and Brevard Counties.